阅读记录:Landmark and Intensity-Based, Consistent Thin-Plate Spline Image Registration




Landmark-based thin-plate spline image registration is one of the most commonly used methods for non-rigid medical image registration and anatomical shape analysis. It is well known that this method does not produce a unique correspondence between two images away from the landmark locations because interchanging the role of source and target landmarks does not produce forward and reverse transformations that are inverses of each other. In this paper, we present two new image registration algorithms that minimize the thin-plate spline bending energy and the inverse consistency error—the error between the forward and the inverse of the reverse transformation. The landmarkbased consistent thin-plate spline algorithm registers images given a set of corresponding landmarks while the intensity-based consistent thinplate spline algorithm uses both corresponding landmarks and image intensities. Results are presented that demonstrate that using landmark and intensity information to jointly estimate the forward and reverse transformations provides better correspondence than using landmarks or intensity alone.




Figure 1 shows two MRI images with corresponding landmarks that define the notation used throughout the paper. Assume that the template T(y)T(y) and target** S(x)S(x) images are defined on the continuous domain Ω=[0,1)2\Omega = [0, 1)^2 and were constructed from N1×N2N_1 × N_2 pixel images using bilinear interpolation. Let qiΩq_i \in \Omega, and piΩp_i \in \Omega, for i=1,...,Mi = 1, . . . , M, define corresponding landmarks in the template TT and target SS images, respectively. The forward transformation h:ΩΩh : \Omega \rightarrow \Omega is defined as the mapping that transforms TT into the shape of SS and the reverse transformation g:ΩΩg : \Omega \rightarrow \Omega is defined as the mapping that transforms SS into the shape of TT . The forward transformation h(x)=x+u(x)h(x) = x + u(x) defines the mapping from the coordinate system of the template to the target and the reverse transformation g(y)=y+w(y)g(y) = y + w(y) defines the mapping from the coordinate system of the target image to the template for x,yΩ1x, y \in \Omega^1. The inverse of the forward transformation is defined as h1(y)=y+u~(y)h^{-1}(y) = y + \tilde{u}(y) and the reverse transformation is defined as g1(x)=x+w~(x)g^{-1}(x) = x + \tilde{w}(x).

Fig. 1. Consistent image registration is based on the principle that the mappings h from T to S and g from S to T define a consistent point-by-point correspondence between the coordinate systems of T and S. Consistency is enforced mathematically by jointly estimating h and g while constraining h and g to be inverse mappings of one another.


标志点(landmark)正反变换能够一致,但是控制点为非标志点时,其 TPS 正向变换(红色)与逆向变换(绿色)会存在不一致性


u(pi)=qipiu(p_i)=q_i - p_i

template TT target SS

transformation inverse(逆)
forward(正) TST \rightarrow S h(x)xh(x) \rightarrow x
h(x)=x+u(x)h(x) = x + u(x)
xh(x)yx \rightarrow h(x) \approx y
h1(y)=y+u~(y)h^{-1}(y) = y + \tilde{u}(y)
yh1(y)xy \rightarrow h^{-1}(y) \approx x
reverse(反) STS \rightarrow T g(y)yg(y) \rightarrow y
g(y)=y+w(y)g(y) = y + w(y)
yg(y)xy \rightarrow g(y) \approx x
g1(x)=x+w~(x)g^{-1}(x) = x + \tilde{w}(x)
xg1(x)yx \rightarrow g^{-1}(x) \approx y

Landmark-Based, Thin-Plate Spline Image Registration with Cyclic Boundary Conditions

C=ΩLu(x)2dx(1)C=\int_{\Omega}\|\mathcal{L} u(x)\|^{2}dx \tag{1}

C=Ω2u(x)2dx=i=12Ω(2ui(x)2x1)2+2(2ui(x)x1x2)+(2ui(x)2x2)2dx1dx2(2)C=\int_{\Omega}\left\|\nabla^{2} u(x)\right\|^{2} d x=\sum_{i=1}^{2} \int_{\Omega}\left(\frac{\partial^{2} u_{i}(x)}{\partial^{2} x_{1}}\right)^{2}+2\left(\frac{\partial^{2} u_{i}(x)}{\partial x_{1} \partial x_{2}}\right)+\left(\frac{\partial^{2} u_{i}(x)}{\partial^{2} x_{2}}\right)^{2} d x_{1} d x_{2} \tag{2}

where u(pi)=qipiu(p_i)=q_i - p_i for i=1,...,Mi = 1, . . . , M

It is well known that the TPS displacement field u(x)u(x) that minimizes the bending energy defined by Eq.2Eq. 2 has the form

u(x)=i=1Mξiϕ(xpi)+Ax+b(3)u(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{M} \xi_{i} \phi\left(x-p_{i}\right)+A x+b \tag{3}

where φ(r)=r2logrφ(r) = r^2 log r and ξi\xi_{i} are 2×12 × 1 weighting vectors. The 2×22 × 2 matrix A=[a1,a2]A = [a1, a2] and the 2×12 × 1 vector bb define the affine transformation where a1a_1 and a2a_2 are 2×12 × 1 vectors.
The unknown parameters W=[ξ1,...,ξM,a1,a2,b]TW = [\xi_{1}, . . . , \xi_{M}, a_1, a_2, b]^T are determined by substituting the landmark constrains into Eq.3Eq. 3 and solving the resulting equations. Let ϕi,j=ϕ(piqj)\phi_{i,j} = \phi(|p_i - q_j|) build the matrix

K=[ΦΛΛTO] where Φ=[ϕ1,1ϕ1,2ϕ1,Mϕ2,1ϕ2,2ϕ2,MϕM,1ϕM,2ϕM,M],Λ=[p1,1p1,21p2,1p2,21pM,1pM,21](4)K=\left[\begin{array}{cc} \Phi & \Lambda \\ \Lambda^{T} & O \end{array}\right] \text { where } \Phi=\left[\begin{array}{cccc} \phi_{1,1} & \phi_{1,2} & \ldots & \phi_{1, M} \\ \phi_{2,1} & \phi_{2,2} & \ldots & \phi_{2, M} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \phi_{M, 1} & \phi_{M, 2} & \ldots & \phi_{M, M} \end{array}\right], \quad \Lambda=\left[\begin{array}{ccc} p_{1,1} & p_{1,2} & 1 \\ p_{2,1} & p_{2,2} & 1 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ p_{M, 1} & p_{M, 2} & 1 \end{array}\right] \tag{4}

and OO is a 3×33×3 matrix of zeros. Also, define the (M+3)×2(M +3)×2 matrix of landmark displacements as D=[d1,...,dM,0,0,0]TD = [d_1, . . . , d_M, 0, 0, 0]^T where di=qipid_i = q_i - p_i for i=1,...,Mi = 1, . . . , M. The equations formed by substituting the landmark constrains into Eq.3Eq. 3 can be written in matrix form as D=KWD = KW. The solution WW to this matrix equation is determined by least squares estimation since the matrix KK is not guaranteed to be full rank.


矩阵 WW 应该由最小二乘法求解,因为KK不一定满秩,即不一定可逆(方阵:矩阵满秩等价于矩阵可逆,非方阵是广义逆)。由Ax=bAx=b的最小二乘法求解为x=(ATA)1ATbx = (A^TA)^{-1}A^Tb,则上述W=(KTK)1KTDW = (K^TK)^{-1}K^TD.

Landmark Consistent Thin-Plate Spline Registration