Windows 优秀 UWP 软件
Windows 虽然很强大,但是有些功能设计并不是很优秀,如音量调节,屏幕亮度调节等。幸好出现了优秀的开发者,做出了优秀的软件程序用于改善 Windows 的使用体验。
EarTrumpet - Microsoft Store 应用程序
EarTrumpet 是一款功能强大的 Windows 音量控制应用

Twinkle Tray: Brightness Slider
Twinkle Tray: Brightness Slider - Microsoft Store Apps
Twinkle Tray让你轻松管理多个显示器的亮度水平。即使Windows 10和11能够调整大多数显示器的背光,它通常不支持外部显示器。Windows也缺乏管理多个显示器亮度的任何能力。这个应用程序在你的系统托盘中插入了一个新的图标,你可以点击它来即时访问所有兼容显示器的亮度水平。Twinkle Tray使用DDC/CI和WMI与你的显示器通信。请确保你的显示器上启用了适当的选项,以便它能与Twinkle Tray一起工作。
Twinkle Tray lets you easily manage the brightness levels of multiple monitors. Even though Windows 10 & 11 are capable of adjusting the backlight on most monitors, it typically doesn't support external monitors. Windows also lacks any ability to manage the brightness of multiple monitors. This app inserts a new icon into your system tray, where you can click to have instant access to the brightness levels of all compatible monitors. Twinkle Tray uses DDC/CI and WMI to communicate with your monitors. Make sure you have the appropriate option(s) enabled on your monitor so that it can work with Twinkle Tray.

动态主题(Dynamic theme)
Dynamic Theme - Microsoft Store Apps
动态背景和/或锁屏图片,有每日必应或Windows Spotlight图片,一张必应或Windows Spotlight图片或个人图片。
Dynamic background and/or lock screen picture with daily Bing or Windows Spotlight pictures, one Bing or Windows Spotlight picture or personal pictures.